Well, I settled into a DCC routine. This blog started with a bit of D&D IV and I just realized my last post from a year ago was about the D&D 5 beta.
In the last year I haven't rpg'd much, but when I have it's been the DCC. There was a long stint of sporadic one-shots, but about a month ago I started up a play by post game on Google Plus.
The players are in room 4 of a classic old D&D module. I had them all start at first level, rather than slog through a "funnel", which has sort of lost its luster for me. Half the group plays all kinds of story games and the other half had been playing AD&D. None of them are particular about the system, but all are great roleplayers.
We are having a good ol' time, though postage campaigning is brutally slow.